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Diving deep into the realms of our own innate wisdom to find healing in
alignment with mother earth's divine guidance and intelligence.
And enjoying the journey along the way.

May 24, 2022
Yin & Yang: How Contrast Creates Balance
During my time in art school, one of our prerequisite classes was Photography, which focused mainly on photo composition and was meant to...

May 10, 2022
Becoming "Anti-Fragile"
When you bring up a conversation around millennials with someone of an older generation, what are the first things that come to mind?...

Apr 26, 2022
The Building Blocks of Nourishment
Is there a time you can remember where you felt a genuine sense of satisfaction, joy and presence around eating? It most likely recalls a...

Apr 12, 2022
The Soil Holds the Key
When I first embarked on my personal journey towards holistic well-being over 8 years ago, it began with an initial and oddly abrupt...

Mar 30, 2022
Clearing Room for Intention to Grow
Spring is finally here! I think we can all agree that her arrival is nothing short of highly anticipated, regardless of where you live....

Dec 6, 2021
The Power of Mornings (and How To Carry It Through Your Day)
"Good morning world!" This is how I like to greet the day. I may not say it out loud, but each morning when I make time to sit quietly,...

Oct 31, 2021
Comfort Breeds Limitation: How Limiting Beliefs Can Creep Up When We're Not Looking
We are a month into the fall season. It's Halloween today, and while many of you may be reuniting with your concept of social gatherings...

Sep 20, 2021
Essentialism, Minimalism & Mindfulness: How I built a less distracted life through each
Have you ever felt that urge? You know the one. The one that tells you to stay in bed all day. That says "you could just call in sick to...

Apr 3, 2021
Traveling Light
In 2019, my husband and I planned to move on from our brick house in the city of Denver, CO. We searched for a quaint little apartment in...

Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Expansion No. 3
Expansion is a series sharing the beautiful, the thought provoking, the inspirational and the need-to-know discoveries of the week....

Aug 5, 2019
Daily Dose of Radical Humbling
There’s a lot of joy to be had these days. Of course, it’s always been there for the taking, but there’s something different about this...

Dec 6, 2018
New Horizons
My viewpoint has changed. The place that I stand on this globe, the scenic landscape that stretches out before me, is unfamiliar. My body...

Sep 9, 2018
Sunday Expansion No. 2
Expansion is a series sharing the beautiful, the thought provoking, the inspirational and the need-to-know discoveries of the week....

Sep 7, 2018
Your Power, Your Tools: Looking Within to Your Inner Healer
What a powerful moon cycle we've been experiencing this past month. I don't know about you, but the full moon on August 26th really hit...

May 6, 2018
Sunday Expansion No. 1
Expansion is a series sharing the beautiful, the thought provoking, the inspirational and the need-to-know discoveries of the week....

Apr 28, 2018
Trust in the Process, Trust in the Possibilities
Most of our lives in this world are spent facing uncertainty, facing the unknown. We work towards goals and milestones, dreams that we...

Mar 17, 2018
Music To Feed Your Soul
I am a true believer that different things will fuel your fire and feed the soul throughout different stages of your life. Sometimes you...

Feb 1, 2018
From Where I Stand: Perspective Changes Everything
I found myself sitting across a long communal table in the early afternoon. A conversation had sparked about all things inspiring, driven...

Jan 23, 2018
The Art of Simple Living
In the past week, I have had the wonderful opportunity of simply spending time at home and out in the world with my husband. We’ve spent...

Jan 1, 2018
Onward & Inward: Reflections of a Year Come and Gone
2018. The numbers at the end of that year keep feeling more and more futuristic as the time passes. But our rituals and approach to the...

Dec 22, 2017
Follow Your Yellow Brick Road
I was listening to a new podcast just the other day, something that has quickly become one of my favorite past times while doing work or...

Mar 26, 2017
Desert Dwelling
Growing up in southern California, you become accustomed to residing in what is considered a desert climate. Maybe even finding...

Mar 25, 2017
Breaking Free
In our home, we have a relationship with our plants. They look to us for nourishment and care and in a sense become our children. So when...

Feb 13, 2017
Change Is In the Night Sky
A few days ago, we experienced a trifecta of celestial events. On Friday, February 10th a full moon, lunar eclipse and comet shared the...

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