Purpose fuels
Life in Ceremony was born from an innate desire to create homeostasis for my own mind, heart and being. It's a collection of knowledge, curiosity, beauty, tough lessons, and a desire for connection and understanding that has empowered me to take control of my life by ironically surrendering time and time again.
You see, each of us has the unique ability to intentionally create both the world around us and within us. Some intentions are reserved just for the individual, but others can be shared to support the community and energy we are calling in at any given stage in our life.
In my own experience, I've found that every instance of our lives forms the perfect opportunity to inspire purpose, belonging and self expression. Life in Ceremony is a reflection of mine. And I hope to harness these energies as I continue to grow while building an empowering arsenal for others to look to in their own self discovery.
I am enlivened to offer support and hold space for my community on their own intentional and intuitive paths on this earth. How we may all seek deep nourishment and connection to all that surrounds us. I believe there are no greater riches in this life than to live fully and vivaciously with intention in all that we do, while fostering our connection to the land, the community, and the wild wisdom of our own remarkable human nature. And in doing so, simultaneously create deep healing within. I look forward to serving all those who are called to re-establish this conscious connection and are seeking gentle guidance in doing so.
In gratitude, presence, practice and surrender,

My Journey
I was brought up quite conventionally, but with a bit of unconventional determination. I began pursuing a career as a ballet dancer as a child and focused solely on this effort until the age of 18. After leaving school, moving across the country and then back again to train with prestigious companies, I opted to try out life on my own terms. Returning to San Francisco to study Graphic Design and the arts, I fell in love with the bay area and design. I then served as Creative Director for a small but mighty music festival production company which granted me the ability to get back to the music and fostered a connection to my roots on the stage.
I ventured to learn the craft of jewelry making and took a spin in the markets and in stores
selling my crystals and metalsmith creations. All the while freelancing my design services and learning more and more about my body and the health of our planet (and how they intertwine) in my own research.
After experiencing severe anxiety and physical distress for years from highly demanding work and big life transitions, my need to learn only grew. I found solace in topics such as sustainability, eco consciousness, yoga, meditation, simple living and holistic nutrition. My family rerouted our lives and moved to the forests of the Rocky Mountains, began exploring minimalism and nomadic living, and built our tiny house on wheels, where we lived full-time for almost two years.
After downsizing and redirecting to the essentials of life and shifting my energy to focus on the things that matter most, I created the space to breath life into my holistic and simple living journey while fostering my creativity through writing, design, and enrolling as a student of Academy Healing Nutrition, where I am proud to say I received my certification as a Holistic Health Coach with a focus on the Longevity Diet and principles. By beginning to attune myself to the elements of holistic living, I also found my path to the healing art of Reiki, which I now am honored to offer as a supplemental modality of healing within my wellness coaching practice.